Meditation - The Vertebral Column

The adult vertebral (spinal) column consists of 26 bones that are grouped as follows:
7 cervical vertebrae in the neck
12 thoracic vertebrae that articulate with the 12 pairs of ribs
5 lumbar vertebrae of the lower back
1 sacrum which is actually a fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae (fusion occurs from late teens to early 20's)
1 coccyx or "tailbone" which is a fusion of 4 coccygeal vertebrae
Intervertebral discs are located between adjacent vertebrae. These fibrocartilage discs form strong joints and absorb spinal compression shock.
Spinal disorders include:
Herniated (slipped) disc - protrusion or rupture of an intervertebral disc
Scoliosis - exaggerated lateral bending of spinal column
Kyphosis - "hunchback" exaggerated thoracic curvature
Lordosis - "swayback" exaggerated lumbar curvature
Spina bifida - congenital defect with incomplete closure of the vertebral column
Epidural anesthesia, often used in obstetrics, is injected into the sacrum at the sacral hiatus.
Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) spinal fluid is removed using a long needle inserted between L3-L4 or L4-L5.