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Welcome to The Northern Shaolin Academy! . . . Come and See our New Kung Fu Dragon & Tiger classes (Ages 5 up 15 ) On Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm.

Visit Groupon.com for One or Two Months of Unlimited Qi Gong Classes (Up to 73% Off)



Here you can find information about the classes offered at the Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy.

Tien Shan Pai - Second Small Routine Number 3

Class Descriptions

Kids Kung Fu Class - Pandas

This pre-martial arts program, consisting of 2 classes per week,
is designed for students ages 3 to 5. Our program is designed
to meet the needs of younger students by developing
their attention span and coordination.

Kids Kung Fu Class - Dragons

This class is designed for students ages 6 to 8. The class is designed to
develop self-discipline, respect for authority figures, physical coordination,
and peer socialization skills.

Kids Kung Fu Class - Tigers

This class is designed for children and teens 9 and up who are interested in getting
better grades in school, becoming more effective and respectful at home,
and developing positive peer groups.


This class is designed for children and adults interested in the contemporary
performance oriented martial arts style for achieving heath, self-defense skills,
mental discipline, recreational pursuit and competition

Adult Kung Fu Class

This class is designed for adults and individuals who are interested
in learning Authentic Chinese Martial Arts technique, Chinese Cultural,
Language and Philosophy.

Wing Chun

This class is designed for adults or individuals who are interested
in learning about Wing Chun, a close range combat kung fu and self-defense system.

Tai Chi Chuan

This class is designed for adults or individuals who are interested
in stress reduction, relaxation, good mental and physical well-being,
meditation, and better health found in the art of Tai Chi Chuan.


This class is designed for adults or individuals who are interested in
Qigong exercises designed to release and replenish Qi (or Chi),
restoring balance to the mind, body, and spirit.

Hsing I (Xing Yi)

This class is designed for adults or individuals who are interested
in learning about the internal system developed by General Yu Fei.
Hsing I (Xing Yi), otherwise known as "Form and Mind" or "Form and Will" boxing,
utilizes the Five Elements (Functions) and Ten (or Twelve) Animals.

Meditation (Jin Shan Pai)

In this class we will be exploring and cultivating the integration of the mind and body
in relationship to the universe through body opening, qigong, and quiet sitting meditation.
This class is based on Jin Shan Pai (Golden Mountain System) which is part of
the the Dragon's Gate Sect of Complete Reality Taoism under the Wang Yen-nien lineage.

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Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy
619 South Trooper Rd, Audubon, PA 19403
Copyright © 2025  610.631.9200