Sifu Weipo Chessen
I've always thought Taijiquan is a good form of exercise, but I had never seriously thought of actually doing it. Back in 2005, I watched some of the Taiji classes on Saturdays while waiting for my son to attend the Kung fu class. Watching made me want to try it. So I signed up.
The class turned out to be great. For one thing, I am not only learning Taiji as a form of exercise, but also as a form of martial art. Martial application is always emphasized in classes. Over the years, I have been introduced to different styles and forms of Taijiquan. What I like the most is that Sigung Smith always pays great attention to the basics of Taiji principle. I know for sure that I'm receiving the authentic traditional Taiji training. I feel very fortunate to be a student here.
