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  Home  ->  Instructors  ->  Sifu Nick Tyson
Welcome to The Northern Shaolin Academy! . . . Come and See our New Kung Fu Dragon & Tiger classes (Ages 5 up 15 ) On Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm.

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Sifu Nick Tyson

Sifu Nick Tyson

Sifu Nick Tyson first started practicing martial arts in his sophomore year of college. Over the years he tried many styles, such as Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, Karate, and Aikido. He didn't feel that any of these, with perhaps the exception of Aikido, suited his nature sufficiently to be incorporated into his life.

A year after graduation Sifu Nick drove past a Kung Fu school in Frazier and decided to give it a try. He very quickly realized that this was what he had been looking for. He felt it nurtured a philosophy of non-confrontation, while at the same time conditioning the body for those times when confrontation is unavoidable. He began his training in Mi Sung Lo Han, or Lost Track Northern style Kung Fu. He was also exposed to many other various Chinese techniques and training, such as Suai Jiao, and Tai Chi Chuan. After studying for 3 years, sadly, the school relocated and he was unable to continue his training. He searched for other Kung Fu schools, but there were none nearby.

Several years later, Sifu Nick found the Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy in Audubon Pa. He was very impressed with (Grandmaster) Norman Smith the first day he met and spoke with him. Sifu Nick realized how knowledgeable, and more importantly how genuine his desire to teach the Art properly. By the end of his first week, Sifu Nick was very aware that the training he would receive in the T'ien Shan Pai style, which contains aspects of the Lost Track style, was going to be more intense than anything he had studied in the past, and would in fact take a lifetime to master. Sifu Nick felt that he was ready for this commitment, and has been studying Tien Shan Pi for more than a year now.

He is also training in the 108 Yang style Tai Chi form that also complements his Kung Fu very well. Sifu Nick is a great help with new students coming in to the school. He is a real technician, making sure new students understand the application of each exercise. While Sifu Nick's primary goal had been to learn and condition himself, he is now helping to pass down the tradition to a new generation.

Email Address SifuNick@NorthernShaolinAcademy.com

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Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy
619 South Trooper Rd, Audubon, PA 19403
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