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Meditation - Timeline


  • Three August Ones and Five Emperors
    (2852 BC to 2205 BC)
    Chinese Mythology
    • Three August Ones:
      1. The Heavenly Sovereign (Fuxi)
        who ruled for 18,000 years

        aka Chinese Emporer Fu Hsi
        (2953 BC - 2838 BC)
        Founder of 8 trigrams of "I Ching"
      2. The Earthly Sovereign (Nuwa)
        who ruled for 11,000 years
      3. The Human Sovereign (Shennong)
        who ruled for 45,600 years
    • Five Emperors:
      1. The Yellow Emperor or Huang Di
        (2698 BC to 2599 BC)
      2. Zhuanxu
        (2491 BC - 2413 BC)
      3. Emperor Ku
        (2413 BC - 2343 BC)
      4. Emperor Yao
        (2333 BC - 2234 BC)
      5. Emperor Shun
        (2233 BC - 2184 BC)
  • Xia or Hsia Dynasty
    (2183 BC - 1523 BC)
    • Yu the Great (Da Yu)
      (2183 BC - 2138 BC)
      Founder of the Xia Dynasty
      Founder of 64 hexagrams of "I Ching"
      First use of written symbols
  • Shang Dynasty or Yin Dynasty
    (1523 BC - 1027 BC)
    Fist historic dynasty
    Well developed writing.
    First Chinese calendar.
  • Zhou or Chou Dynasty
    (1027 BC - 256 BC)
    Classical age
    Written laws
    • Laozi or Lao Tzu
      (550 BC?)
      Wrote "Tao Te Ching" between 600 BC and 200 BC
      Founder of Taoism
    • Confucius
      (551 BC - 479 BC)?
      Author, editor, or compiler of Wu Ching (Five Classics)
    • Siddhartha Gautama BUDDHA
      (563 BC to 483 BC)
    • Chung Tzu
  • Warring States Period
    (403 BC - 221 BC)
  • Qin or Ch'in Dynasty
    (221 BC - 206 BC)
    Unification on harsh rule of Shih Huang Ti
    Written language standardized
    Much of Great Wall built
  • Han Dynasty
    (202 BC - 220 AD)
    Further unification, less harsh
    Confucianism made basis for bureaucracy
    Buddhism introduced
    Encyclopedia and dictionary compiled
  • Three Kingdoms Period
    (220 AD - 265 AD)
    Division into three states (Wei, Shu and Wu)
    Taoism and Buddhism prominent
    Scientific advances from India
  • Tsin or Chin Dynasty
    (265 AD - 420 AD)
    Founded by Wei general
    Expanded southeast
    Series of barbarian dynasties ruled north China
    Buddhism growth
  • Six Dynasties
    (316 AD - 589 AD)
  • Sui Dynasty
    (581 AD - 618 AD)
    Reunification, centralized government
    Buddhism and Taoism favored
    Great Wall fortified
  • Tang Dynasty
    (618 AD - 907 AD)
    Territorial expansion
    Buddhism suppressed
    Confucianism basis for Civil Service exams
    Great achievements in poetry, sculpture, and painting
  • Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
    (907 AD - 960 AD) Period of warfare, corruption, hardship
    Money first printed
  • Song or Sung Dynasty
    (960 AD - 1279 AD)
    Neo-Confucianism attains supremacy
    over Taoism and Buddhism
    Central bureaucracy reestablished
    Cultivation of tea and cotton
    Gunpowder first used by military
  • Yuan Dynasty
    (1271 AD - 1368 AD)
    Mongol Dynasty founded by Kublai Khan
    Growing contact with West
    Confucian ideals discouraged
    Great age of Chinese playwriting
  • Ming Dynasty
    (1368 AD - 1644 AD)
    Mongols expelled
    Confucianism reinstated
    Contact with European traders and missionaries
    Porcelain architecture, novels, and drama flourish
  • Qing or Ch'ing or Manchu Dynasty
    (1644 AD - 1912 AD)
    Established by the Manchus
    Decline of central authority
    Foreign powers divide China
    Opium War
    Hong Kong ceded
    Boxer Uprising
    Last Chinese monarchy
  • Nationalist Period
    (1912 AD - 1949 AD)
  • People's Republic of China
    (1949 AD - present)


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