Grandmaster Willy Lin
Grandmaster Willy Lin was born in 1938 in Tai-Chung, Taiwan.
From 1960 until he emigrated to the United States by way of Brazil,
Willy Lin was head instructor and assistant to
Wang Jyue Jen, the
martial artist who introduced T'ien Shan P'ai from China to Taiwan.
Everything Grandmaster Willy Lin knows about martial arts, he learned from his
teacher, Wang Jyue Jen. Grandmaster Willy Lin has never studied any other system
or trained with any other person.
Lin became a student of T'ien Shan P'ai in 1957 in his hometown of
Taichung, Taiwan.
After studying with Wang Jyue Jen for 5 years, Grandmaster Willy Lin was selected
for special private training along with his classmate, Tsong Chung Chen.
Grandmaster Willy Lin isn't sure if they were the first to be selected for this
training, because his teacher never spoke of any others before whom he had
trained at this level. Wang only spoke of "students" and "old students."
In 1962 Wang considered Lin and Chen his most advanced students. He invited
them to receive special training at that time and performed a private
ceremony for them to formalize their commitment to T'ien Shan P'ai.
Once Grandmaster Willy Lin's special training was completed, he alone was asked
to become Wang's assistant and his head instructor. For the next six years
Lin taught at his teacher's school, "Lei Sheng Wu Yuan" or "Thunder Sound
Martial Arts Garden."
In 1968 Grandmaster Willy Lin emigrated from Taiwan to Sao Paulo, Brazil, where
he taught martial arts to the Sao Paulo Chinese Association and to the Sao
Paulo Police Department. In 1970 he came to the United States, where he
opened his first school in 1971 in the Washington DC area.
So far as Grandmaster Willy Lin knows, he was the first person to introduce and to
teach Wang Jyue Jen's system of T'ien Shan P'ai in this country.
Grandmaster Willy Lin currently resides in New York, and his teachings have given
birth to several martial art institutions in and around the East Coast of the United States.
In accordance with Grand Master Wang's philosophy, Grandmaster Willy Lin continues to believe
that Chinese boxing serves primarily as a means to perfecting life. This perfection
encompasses preservation of health, remedies for physical and mental weakness, and
improvement of one's personality.
Although Grandmaster Willy Lin has necessarily made some concessions to the American way of
life, he still retains the Chinese method of martial arts instruction. As he likes
to explain: "The teacher will first show the student how to paint a dragon's outline
and larger details. The student's practice will make him skilled in that particular
endeavor. When he has perfected painting so, the master will come and show his
student how to paint the eyes of the dragon, thus breathing life into the painting."
Grandmaster Willy Lin has always been a devoted disciple of his mentor's teachings.
He is presently 87 years old and
has been practicing martial arts for 68 years.
Click here for information about upcoming
Grandmaster Willy Lin Seminars.
Grandmaster Willy Lin has published three instructional martial arts books:
He has several DVDs available on his
as well:
Visit Grandmaster Willy Lin's website: